Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Guardian UK: The View from Roanoke

A British journalist with the London newspaper The Guardian, Gary Younge, is in Roanoke to cover the US Presidential election. Here is a page with all of his articles and videos. Our member Tony Russell is featured in a photo on the page. Read the articles and watch the videos for a very interesting picture of a small city no one in England has ever heard of.

Mr. Younge says (in his introductory video) "There's nothing remarkable about Roanoke; that's why we're here. Its an average American town. But distinct, in many, many ways."

Mr. Younge started his reporting on September 30 and says he plans to report from Roanoke for two weeks. If you only have time to read one of the articles read this one. And the introductory video is great as well.

Thanks to the Star City Harbinger for the link.

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