From a Friday, April 25, 2008 Roanoke Times email update: "Chris Clemens has been chosen to temporarily fill the vacated General District Court judgeship of Julian Raney, who retired. Clemens, a Salem attorney and city councilman, said he learned today that circuit court judges in the 23rd division chose him over his chief competitor for the job, Roanoke Commonwealth's Attorney Donald Caldwell. Clemens will serve in a circuit that includes Roanoke, Roanoke County and Salem, until the next General Assembly session. State legislators, who deadlocked over filling the position this year, are scheduled to make a permanent appointment during their next session. Clemens has 30 days to take an oath for his temporary appointment. In the meantime, Clemens said he will help find jobs elsewhere for his employees and other attorneys for his clients. Once he takes the oath, he will no longer be eligible to serve on Salem's city council."
Judge Clemens received the nomination of the Roanoke BarAssociation. Pursuant to our bylaws (Article XXVII Section 10): "Active members of the Association, except members of the General Assembly not participating in the meeting, shall be pledged to the support of the person thus endorsed."Congratulations to Judge Clemens, and I hope that the General Assembly will do the right thing next year and appoint him to a full term.